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to make a burrow

  • 1 burrow

    1. noun
    Bau, der
    2. transitive verb
    graben [Loch, Höhle, Tunnel]

    burrow one's way under/through something — einen Weg od. Gang unter etwas (Dat.) durch/durch etwas graben

    3. intransitive verb
    [sich (Dat.)] einen Gang graben

    burrow into something(fig.) sich in etwas (Akk.) einarbeiten

    burrow through something(fig.) sich durch etwas hindurchwühlen

    * * *
    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) der Bau
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) sich verkriechen
    * * *
    [ˈbʌrəʊ, AM ˈbɜ:roʊ]
    I. n of fox, rabbit Bau m
    II. vt
    to \burrow a hole/tunnel ein Loch/einen Tunnel graben
    2. ( fig: hide)
    to \burrow sth [into sth] etw [in etw akk] vergraben
    III. vi
    1. (dig)
    to \burrow [into sth] einen Bau [in etw akk] graben
    to \burrow through sth sich akk durch etw akk [hin]durchgraben
    to \burrow through sth etw durchwühlen [o gründlich durchsuchen]
    * * *
    1. n
    (of rabbit etc) Bau m
    2. vi
    (rabbits, dogs etc) graben, buddeln (inf); (= make a burrow) einen Bau graben

    they had burrowed under the fencesie hatten sich (dat) ein Loch or (below ground) einen Gang unterm Zaun gegraben or gebuddelt (inf)

    3. vt
    hole graben, buddeln (inf)

    to burrow one's way into sth (fig)sich in etw (acc) einschleichen

    * * *
    burrow [ˈbʌrəʊ; US auch ˈbɜrəʊ]
    A s
    1. (Fuchs- etc) Bau m, Höhle f, Erdloch n
    2. Fraßgang m, (Wurm- etc) Loch n
    3. Loch n pej, (notdürftiger) Unterschlupf
    B v/i
    1. eine Höhle oder einen Gang graben
    2. sich eingraben oder verkriechen ( into in akk)
    3. fig (into)
    a) sich vertiefen (in akk):
    b) graben oder wühlen (in dat):
    4. burrow about ( oder around) herumwühlen (in in dat)
    5. sich schmiegen ( against an akk)
    C v/t
    1. ein Loch etc graben (in in akk)
    2. burrow one’s head into sb’s shoulder seinen Kopf an jemandes Schulter schmiegen
    * * *
    1. noun
    Bau, der
    2. transitive verb
    graben [Loch, Höhle, Tunnel]

    burrow one's way under/through something — einen Weg od. Gang unter etwas (Dat.) durch/durch etwas graben

    3. intransitive verb
    [sich (Dat.)] einen Gang graben

    burrow into something(fig.) sich in etwas (Akk.) einarbeiten

    burrow through something(fig.) sich durch etwas hindurchwühlen

    * * *
    Kaninchenbau m.
    Kaninchenhöhle f. v.
    graben v.
    (§ p.,pp.: grub, gegraben)
    verbergen v.

    English-german dictionary > burrow

  • 2 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) madriguera

    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) cavar
    burrow n madriguera
    1 madriguera
    1 excavar, cavar
    1 excavar una madriguera
    burrow ['bəro] vi
    1) : cavar, hacer una madriguera
    to burrow into : hurgar en
    burrow vt
    : cavar, excavar
    : madriguera f, conejera f (de un conejo)
    conejera s.f.
    madriguera s.f.
    vivar s.m.
    amadrigar v.
    hacer madrigueras en v.
    socavar v.

    I 'bərəʊ, 'bʌrəʊ
    noun madriguera f; ( of rabbits) conejera f

    intransitive verb (in sand, soil) cavar; (in handbag, drawer) hurgar*, escarbar
    N [of animal] madriguera f ; [of rabbit] conejera f
    VT [+ hole] cavar
    VI [animal] hacer una madriguera

    to burrow into — hacer madrigueras en, horadar; (fig) investigar minuciosamente

    * * *

    I ['bərəʊ, 'bʌrəʊ]
    noun madriguera f; ( of rabbits) conejera f

    intransitive verb (in sand, soil) cavar; (in handbag, drawer) hurgar*, escarbar

    English-spanish dictionary > burrow

  • 3 burrow

    I ['bʌrəʊ]
    nome tana f.
    II 1. ['bʌrəʊ]
    verbo transitivo [ animal] scavare [hole, tunnel]

    to burrow one's way into sth. — [animal, person] scavarsi un passaggio in qcs

    verbo intransitivo [ animal] scavarsi una tana

    to burrow into, under sth. — (in ground) scavare in, sotto qcs

    * * *
    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) tana
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) scavare
    * * *
    burrow /ˈbʌrəʊ/
    cunicolo; covo; tana ( sotterranea: di coniglio, volpe, ecc.).
    (to) burrow /ˈbʌrəʊ/
    A v. i.
    1 ( di animale) aprire un cunicolo; farsi il covo (o la tana); ( per estens.) vivere in tane: to burrow through wood, scavare cunicoli nel legno
    2 (con compl. di luogo) rintanarsi; nascondersi: to burrow underground, rintanarsi sottoterra; to burrow under the blankets, rintanarsi sotto le coperte
    3 indagare; investigare; frugare: to burrow into the archives, frugare negli archivi
    B v. t.
    scavare (una tana, ecc.)
    (zool.) (animale) scavatore.
    * * *
    I ['bʌrəʊ]
    nome tana f.
    II 1. ['bʌrəʊ]
    verbo transitivo [ animal] scavare [hole, tunnel]

    to burrow one's way into sth. — [animal, person] scavarsi un passaggio in qcs

    verbo intransitivo [ animal] scavarsi una tana

    to burrow into, under sth. — (in ground) scavare in, sotto qcs

    English-Italian dictionary > burrow

  • 4 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) hule; kaninhule
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) grave sig ned
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) hule; kaninhule
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) grave sig ned

    English-Danish dictionary > burrow

  • 5 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) (kanin)hule, (reve)hi
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) grave seg ned i
    subst. \/ˈbʌrəʊ\/
    kaninhule, hi (til diverse dyr)
    verb \/ˈbʌrəʊ\/
    1) grave, grave seg ned, bore (seg)
    2) presse, trykke
    burrow oneself gjemme seg
    burrow one's way grave seg frem, bore seg frem

    English-Norwegian dictionary > burrow

  • 6 burrow

    rókalyuk, vakondlyuk to burrow: tudományosan búvárkodik
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) (földbe ásott) lyuk
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) ás (üreget)

    English-Hungarian dictionary > burrow

  • 7 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) brlog
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) (iz)kopati
    * * *
    I [bʌrou]
    brlog, jazbina, lisičina; črvojedina; rudniški odpadki, jalova plast, izkopana zemlja
    II [bʌrou]
    intransitive verb & transitive verb
    zakopati se v zemljo; živeti v brlogu; izkopati, podkopati
    to burrow into s.th.poglobiti se v kaj

    English-Slovenian dictionary > burrow

  • 8 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) greni, hola, göng
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) grafa sig

    English-Icelandic dictionary > burrow

  • 9 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) toca
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) fazer toca
    * * *
    [b'∧rou] n 1 toca, cova. 2 refúgio semelhante a toca. • vt+vi 1 fazer cova. 2 viver em toca. 3 entocar-se, esconder-se. 4 escavar, cavar. 5 procurar, vasculhar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > burrow

  • 10 burrow

    n. oyuk, in, yuva, barınak, sığınak
    v. oyuk açmak, tünel kazmak, saklanmak
    * * *
    1. yuva yap (v.) 2. yuva (n.)
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) oyuk
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) oymak, yuva yapmak; saklanmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > burrow

  • 11 burrow

    • kaivaa
    • kaivautua
    • kaivaa kolo
    • möyriä
    • pesä
    • kuopia
    • kolo
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) kolo
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) kaivaa, kaivautua

    English-Finnish dictionary > burrow

  • 12 burrow

    ['bʌrəu] 1. n
    nora f (np. królicza)
    2. vi
    animal ryć or kopać norę; person szperać, grzebać
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) jama, nora
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) ryć

    English-Polish dictionary > burrow

  • 13 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) (dzīvnieka) ala
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) rakt alu; slēpties alā; paslēpties
    * * *
    ala; rakt alu, slēpties alā; rakņāties

    English-Latvian dictionary > burrow

  • 14 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) urvas, ola
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) raustis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > burrow

  • 15 burrow

    n. håla, lya
    v. gräva; gräva sig fram; gömma sig
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) håla
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) gräva sig fram (ner)

    English-Swedish dictionary > burrow

  • 16 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) doupě, nora, díra
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) (vy)hrabat si doupě, zahrabat se
    * * *
    • nora
    • doupě

    English-Czech dictionary > burrow

  • 17 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) brloh, nora
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) zahrabať sa
    * * *
    • zahrabat sa
    • skrýša
    • nora

    English-Slovak dictionary > burrow

  • 18 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) vizuină
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) a săpa; a se ascunde, a se piti

    English-Romanian dictionary > burrow

  • 19 burrow

    1. noun
    (a hole dug for shelter: a rabbit burrow.) λαγούμι
    2. verb
    (to make holes underground or in a similar place for shelter etc; The mole burrows underground; He burrowed under the bedclothes.) τρυπώνω,χώνομαι

    English-Greek dictionary > burrow

  • 20 burrow

    [ˈbarəu] (American) [ˈbə:-]
    1. noun
    a hole dug for shelter:

    a rabbit burrow.

    2. verb
    يَحْفُرُ جُحْرا، يَخْتَبِئ

    Arabic-English dictionary > burrow

См. также в других словарях:

  • burrow — [bʉr′ō] n. [ME burgh (see BOROUGH), infl. by bergh, hill, berwen, to defend, take refuge] 1. a hole or tunnel dug in the ground by an animal 2. any similar passage or hole for shelter, refuge, etc. vi. 1. to make a burrow; dig (in, into, under,… …   English World dictionary

  • burrow — ► NOUN ▪ a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal as a dwelling. ► VERB 1) make a burrow. 2) hide underneath or delve into something. DERIVATIVES burrower noun. ORIGIN variant of BOROUGH(Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • burrow — I. noun Etymology: Middle English borow Date: 13th century a hole or excavation in the ground made by an animal (as a rabbit) for shelter and habitation II. verb Date: 1602 transitive verb 1. archaic to hide in or as if in a burrow 2 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • burrow — noun a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal as a dwelling. verb 1》 make a burrow.     ↘dig into or through something solid. 2》 hide underneath or delve into something. Derivatives burrower noun Origin ME: var. of borough …   English new terms dictionary

  • burrow — burrower, n. /berr oh, bur oh/, n. 1. a hole or tunnel in the ground made by a rabbit, fox, or similar animal for habitation and refuge. 2. a place of retreat; shelter or refuge. v.i. 3. to make a hole or passage in, into, or under something. 4.… …   Universalium

  • burrow — bur|row1 [ˈbʌrəu US ˈbə:rou] v 1.) [I always + adverb/preposition, T] to make a hole or passage in the ground = ↑dig down burrow into/under/through etc ▪ Mother turtles burrow into the sand to lay their eggs. 2.) [I,T always + adverb/preposition] …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • burrow — I UK [ˈbʌrəʊ] / US [ˈbʌroʊ] verb [intransitive] Word forms burrow : present tense I/you/we/they burrow he/she/it burrows present participle burrowing past tense burrowed past participle burrowed 1) a) to make a hole or tunnel in the ground burrow …   English dictionary

  • burrow — bur•row [[t]ˈbɜr oʊ, ˈbʌr oʊ[/t]] n. 1) anb a hole or tunnel in the ground made by an animal, as a rabbit, for habitation and refuge 2) a place of retreat 3) to dig a burrow 4) to lodge or hide in a burrow 5) to proceed by or as if by digging 6)… …   From formal English to slang

  • burrow — bur|row1 [ bʌrou ] verb intransitive 1. ) burrow into/under/through to make a hole or tunnel in the ground: The dog burrowed into the earth, looking for the bone. a ) an animal that burrows digs a hole or tunnel in the ground to live in 2. )… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • burrow — 1 verb 1 (intransitive always + adv/prep, transitive) to make a hole or passage in the ground: burrowing a hole (+ into/under etc): The dog managed to burrow under the fence. 2 (transitive always + adv/prep) to press your body close to someone or …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • burrow — /ˈbʌroʊ / (say buroh) noun 1. a hole in the ground made by a rabbit, fox, or similar small animal, for refuge and habitation. 2. a similar place of retreat, shelter, or refuge. –verb (i) 3. to make a hole or passage (in, into, or under something) …  

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